Construction Warning

Woodlake Subdivision Building-Construction Warning

Any building or other construction project must be approved by the Woodlake Home Owners Association before the project is started. Please submit plans to Woodlake HOA, PO Box 625, McQueeney, TX 78123, or Contact US.

Also see the website: The Woodlake Subdivision Covenants and Requirements determine the rules.

The purpose of this web page is an attempt to protect Woodlake residents from forced teardown or severe changes of construction projects by Guadalupe County or GBRA code enforcement. Prior approval of all governing bodies is required before construction can begin. We have seen variations of forced teardowns in Woodlake and at very high cost, loss and expense.

Warning: Use the information herein: AT YOUR OWN RISK.

By using the information on this web page, you hereby agree to hold harmless, and indemnify from any and all legal action, law suits, or other causes of action the following: The Woodlake Homeowners Association, the Association’s Board of Directors and/or any and all Committees and persons associated with or promulgating this information.

October 20, 2018.
The information contained herein may be out of date, incorrect and/or interpreted incorrectly. You must seek and discover the rules on your own. Not all contractors understand nor can they help you with the notification and/or permitting process and/or the requirements in the Woodlake HOA Covenants.

Federal Regulators: FEMA and the Flood Plain
Contact Melissa Zwicke, Certified Floodplain Manager. Telephone: 830-303-8858, fax 830 372-3961.
Location Address: Guadalupe County Environmental Health, 2605 N. Guadalupe St., Seguin, Texas 78155
If your residence is located in the “Flood Plain” then FEMA Requires
that you obtain and pay for a construction permit for almost anything, including a fence, building, landscaping, on your land. It seems clear that the above office represents FEMA, the Federal Agency.

Parts of Woodlake ARE inside the Flood Plain. Other parts of Woodlake are NOT in the Flood Plain . To determine if your lot is inside the flood plain please click the following link: Lots in ORANGE-RED are in the flood plain: Woodlake Flood Plain

If your lot is not shown, contact the Floodplain Manager, for a larger flood plain map. Buildings in the flood plain must be constructed on “STILTS”. Buildings outside the floodplain may be build with a normal foundation on the ground. It is still not clear if this office represents Guadalupe County for building permits and setbacks, etc. There could be other Federal regulations for construction.

State Regulations:
It is our understanding that GBRA owns Lake McQueeney, the dam
and more. Therefore, anything you put in the water is at GBRA’s discretion and permission, including permits for a boat dock, boat lift, fishing dock, or other structure.

Contact GBRA: Mr. Jonathan Stinson, Deputy General Manager, 399 East
Court Street, Seguin, TX 78155. Phone 830-379-5822 or 830-413-4130, Fax:
830-379-1766. Email:
Web site and Construction Applications:
There could be other state regulations for construction.

County Regulations:

After a Flood event on Lake McQueeney, you may not begin construction without a permit. The permit and permit number must be clearly visible. If the permit is not present, County Law Enforcement will remove all workers from the project until your permit is displayed. Please contact Guadalupe County Law enforcement here:
Larry P. Ball, Deputy Constable #732, Criminal Environmental Enforcement
Officer, Guadalupe County Environmental Health, 2605 N. Guadalupe St., Seguin, Texas 78155. Phone: 830-303-4188 Ext 1292 Fax: 830-372-3961

The Constable may be able to help with building permits, and who to contact.
Other County Links:     
County RuleBook                
RuleBook Setbacks

There may be other requirements for Guadalupe County.

City of Seguin Regulations
Before commencing any construction project in the Woodlake Subdivision you should determine if your lot is inside the Seguin Extra Territorial Jurisdiction or Seguin ETJ. Parts of Woodlake ARE in the ETJ while other parts of Woodlake are NOT in the ETJ.
For a map Covering Woodlake:
Click Here

For a map of the full ETJ here:
Click Here

To determine Seguin requirements for construction inside the ETJ
Click Here Search this PDF for the term ETJ. All land inside the ETJ will
eventually be annexed into the City of Seguin. See the above PDF for more

Woodlake Home Owners Association Regulations and Covenants
Click here for the Woodlake HOA Covenants for Woodlake Units 1, 2, 3 & 4.
Covenants are slightly different, depending on the Unit in which you reside. If you reside in the Woodlake Condominiums, there is a separate Home Owners Association.